SOUP User Guide

SoupBinTCP 4.00 is a lightweight point-to-point protocol, built on top of TCP/IP sockets that allow delivery of a set of sequenced and unsequenced messages from a server to a client in real-time. SoupBinTCP guarantees that the client receives each sequenced message generated by the server in the correct order, even across underlying TCP/IP socket connection failures.

Refer to the Official SOUP Documentation for more information on how SOUP protocol works.

The nasdaq_protocols.soup module provides an API to interact with SOUP servers and clients. Refer SOUP API Reference. for more information on the API.

Connect to Soup Server

Example of connecting to a Soup server and receiving messages.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from nasdaq_protocols import soup

stopped = asyncio.Event()

async def on_msg(msg):

async def on_close():

async def main():
    port = 1234  # Give the actual port number
    session = await soup.connect_async(
        ('hostname or ip', port),
        'username', # Soup username, max 6 characters (as per spec)
        'password', # Soup password, max 10 characters (as per spec)
        sequence=1, # 0 to listen from HEAD, 1 to listen from start, n to listen from n
        on_msg_coro=on_msg, # callback for receiving messages
        on_close_coro=on_close # callback for indicating server closed the connection

    # To send a message to the server
    # session.send_unseq_data(b'some bytes')

    await stopped.wait()

if __name__ == '__main__':

A simple soup tail program

A slightly modified version of the same example but not using dispatchers for on_msg and on_close callbacks.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from nasdaq_protocols import soup

async def main():
    port = 1234  # Give the actual port number
    session = await soup.connect_async(
        ('hostname or ip', port), 'username', 'password',
    print(await session.receive_msg())
    await session.close()

    # To send a message to the server
    # session.send_unseq_data(b'some bytes')

if __name__ == '__main__':

A simple soup tail program without dispatchers